SLS 3D printing for education

Adjustable powder volume

Adjust the powder volume to match the model’s height—no need to fill the entire bed. You can start with just 0.5 kg of material.

Ready-made profiles

If you’re seeking an effortless printing experience, the Sinterit Lisa X printer offers 10 validated powder printing profiles in our Sinterit Studio Advance software.

Easy to use 

Our software simplifies pre-printing tasks, turning the machine into an easy-to-use tool. It’s perfect for students to efficiently learn 3D printing while focusing on their projects.

Safety guarantee

The Lisa X Performance set has achieved ATEX certification, the highest standard for safe operation in dusty and potentially explosive atmospheres, ensuring optimal safety for your printing environment.

Affordable price

The Lisa X Performance Set is the most affordable option for professionals, making it a great solution for the education sector that wants to introduce students to 3D printing.

Adjustable powder volume

With adjustable powder volume, you can tailor the amount of powder to match your model’s height, eliminating the need to fill the entire bed. This flexibility allows you to start with as little as 0.5 kg of material, optimizing resource use and reducing waste while enhancing research and prototyping.

Ready-made material profiles

The Sinterit Lisa X printer simplifies your 3D printing experience with 10 pre-configured and thoroughly tested powder material profiles. These profiles are readily available in the Sinterit Studio Advance software, ensuring reliable and high-quality prints without the need for extensive manual adjustments or experimentation.

Easy to use

Our software streamlines pre-printing tasks like model positioning, offering an effortless and smooth user experience. Its intuitive design turns the machine into an accessible tool, perfect for students to gain practical experience with 3D printing, making it easier to understand key concepts and techniques.


Affordable price

The Lisa X Performance Set offers an unbeatable price point for professionals, making it an excellent choice for the education sector. It provides an affordable way for universities and institutions to introduce students to the world of 3D printing without compromising on quality or performance.

Safety guarantee

The Lisa X Performance set is designed with safety as a top priority, achieving the rigorous ATEX certification. This certification guarantees the highest level of protection, making it safe to operate in dusty or potentially explosive environments, ensuring a secure and reliable 3D printing experience in any setting.

    Book a demo with our engineer

    *Required fields.


    Is the process complicated?

    The printing process is not complicated and can be learned in a short time even by staff members with no 3D printing experience. We offer 5-hour online training split into 2 sessions (basic + advanced, 2 weeks apart) as a part of the premium service plan.

    How much can I print in a week?

    The exact printing speed is dependent on a couple of factors, like layer height and build pack density. In almost all cases the whole process of printing, cooling, and post-processing takes up less than 24 hours, so you should be able to produce at least 5 full print beds per workweek.


    Below there are approximate costs for some example models.
    Be aware that the quotation assumes that there is only one piece printed. In SLS technology, the cost per part will be much lower with a higher number of elements printed at once.
    • Flexible
    • Standard
    Model volume:
    Model volume:
    Total print height:
    6.82 cm
    65 x 65 x 63 mm
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    Model volume:
    28.12 cm^3
    Total print height:
    6.82 cm
    65 x 65 x 63 mm
    49,90 €
    49,90 €
    49,90 €
    49,90 €
    49,90 €
    49,90 €
    Model volume:
    28.12 cm^3
    Total print height:
    6.82 cm
    65 x 65 x 63 mm
    71,80 €
    71,80 €
    71,80 €
    71,80 €
    71,80 €
    71,80 €
    Driller housing
    Model volume:
    28.12 cm^3
    Total print height:
    6.82 cm
    65 x 65 x 63 mm
    157 €
    157 €
    157 €
    157 €
    157 €
    157 €
    Model volume:
    28.12 cm^3
    Model volume:
    28.12 cm^3
    Model volume:
    28.12 cm^3
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    Model volume:
    28.12 cm^3
    Model volume:
    28.12 cm^3
    Model volume:
    28.12 cm^3
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    Model volume:
    28.12 cm^3
    Model volume:
    28.12 cm^3
    Model volume:
    28.12 cm^3
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    Model volume:
    28.12 cm^3
    Model volume:
    28.12 cm^3
    Model volume:
    28.12 cm^3
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    Model volume:
    28.12 cm^3
    Model volume:
    28.12 cm^3
    Model volume:
    28.12 cm^3
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    Model volume:
    28.12 cm^3
    Model volume:
    28.12 cm^3
    Model volume:
    28.12 cm^3
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €
    51,30 €

    Get a free sample box

    Universal joint + turbine
    The free samplebox contains two printouts made from PA12 Smooth. They are both movable designs, and each one is printed in one piece.

    These are examples showing high precision and freedom of design ensured by SLS technology.
    order free sample box
    Mamy też advanced samples orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur
    ridiculus mus. Aliquam id placerat nunc. Integer viverra, arcu vel feugiat viverra, dui purus sodales libero.
    SEE ADVANCED samples
    This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from