Home page #2 - Sinterit - Manufacturer of compact and industrial SLS 3D printers
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Compact line von Sinterit

Schnelleres Drucken von topqualitativen SLS-Teilen.

Der SLS 3D-Drucker für hochwertige Funktionsprototypen, Forschungsarbeiten und zur Beschleunigung des Produktentstehungsprozesses.

Der kompakteste SLS-3D-Drucker für den Einstieg in die Welt der additiven Fertigung.

Industrial line von Sinterit

Ein industrieller SLS-3D-Drucker mit dem besten ROI auf dem SLS-Technologiemarkt

Individuelle Preisgestaltung


Universities, technical schools, and education departments of global corporations choose Sinterit because its printers are pure SLS, simple to use, hard to damage, and inexpensive to maintain.
Your student or junior mechanical engineer will become a professional SLS additive manufacturing expert in no time.
Sinterit is also the only SLS 3D printers producer to give users an “open parameter” function. It opens the printer for third-party materials, enabling research work and a universe of experimental possibilities.

Universities, technical schools, and education departments of global corporations choose Sinterit because its printers are pure SLS, simple to use, hard to damage, and inexpensive to maintain.

Your student or junior mechanical engineer will become a professional SLS additive manufacturing expert in no time.

Sinterit is also the only SLS 3D printers producer to give users an “open parameter” function. It opens the printer for third-party materials, enabling research work and a universe of experimental possibilities.

Universities, technical schools, and education departments of global corporations choose Sinterit because its printers are pure SLS, simple to use, hard to damage, and inexpensive to maintain.
Your student or junior mechanical engineer will become a professional SLS additive manufacturing expert in no time.
Sinterit is also the only SLS 3D printers producer to give users an “open parameter” function. It opens the printer for third-party materials, enabling research work and a universe of experimental possibilities.

Universities, technical schools, and education departments of global corporations choose Sinterit because its printers are pure SLS, simple to use, hard to damage, and inexpensive to maintain.

Your student or junior mechanical engineer will become a professional SLS additive manufacturing expert in no time.

Sinterit is also the only SLS 3D printers producer to give users an “open parameter” function. It opens the printer for third-party materials, enabling research work and a universe of experimental possibilities.

Universities, technical schools, and education departments of global corporations choose Sinterit because its printers are pure SLS, simple to use, hard to damage, and cheap to maintain.

Your student or junior mechanical engineer will become a professional SLS additive manufacturing expert in no time.

Sinterit is also the only SLS 3D printers producer to give users an “open parameter” function. It opens the printer for third-party materials, enabling research work and a universe of experimental possibilities.

Universities, technical schools, and education departments of global corporations choose Sinterit because its printers are pure SLS, simple to use, hard to damage, and inexpensive to maintain.

Your student or junior mechanical engineer will become a professional SLS additive manufacturing expert in no time.

Sinterit is also the only SLS 3D printers producer to give users an “open parameter” function. It opens the printer for third-party materials, enabling research work and a universe of experimental possibilities.

Lernen Sie die Sinterit SLS 3D-Drucklösung kennen (Video)


Industrial Set

Industrielle Leistung und Bauvolumen mit dem besten ROI auf dem Markt. Ein offener Drucker mit Multimaterialdruck und industriegroßem Bauvolumen.

Individuelle Preisgestaltung

Performance Set

Spitzenleistung und Bauvolumen in einem offenen Multimaterialdrucker vereint. Großes Bauvolumen sowie industrielle Geschwindigkeit und Qualität.

Kostenpunkt? Schon ab 38.990 €

Open Set

Professionelle SLS-Qualität in einem offenen Multimaterialdrucker. Kompatibel mit 9 verschiedenen Sinterit-Materialien

Kostenpunkt? Schon ab 25.990 €

Entry Set

Der kompakteste SLS 3D-Drucker. Er bietet professionelle SLS-Druckqualität, ist kostengünstig und sehr einfach zu bedienen.

Kostenpunkt? Schon ab 13.990 €


Jede Form, mit der Sie liebäugeln. Ohne Stützstrukturen.
Neun verschiedene Materialien + Möglichkeit, Pulver von Drittanbietern zu verwenden
Performance & Spezialanwendungen

Dank der bei LISA PRO, LISA X und NILS 480 verbauten Stickstoffkammer können Sie mit Pulvern von Drittanbietern außerhalb unseres Angebots experimentieren, was Ihnen eine Welt der vielfältigen Druckmöglichkeiten eröffnet..

SLS 3D printing Der SLS-3D-Druck ist eine der kostengünstigsten Methoden der additiven Fertigun. Das ungesinterte Pulver, das während des Druckvorgangs als Stützstruktur dient, kann wiederverwendet werden.
Rigo Herold
Professor Dr.-Ing., Zwickau University in Germany

It was the best choice for me to fulfill all requirements: possibility to print complex structures, price, speed, reliability.

Maurice Briggs
Director at Lazerthrust

Sinterit LISA is the most accessible means to produce precise constraint-free solutions to modern problems. The technology does what it says on the tin and the team at Sinterit is dedicated to working with their customers to achieve their objectives.

Joshua Rosen
ECA Medical

One of the main benefits of SLS is the ability to print complex geometry in quick succession to do rapid prototyping.

Peter Benthues
H. Gautzsch Firmengruppe

For a company at the beginning of an investigation, support from, and discussion with the technology experts is extremely beneficial. The LISA is one of the few economically feasible solutions in the first stages of any AM Strategy. At lower volumes, it is a perfect solution.

Lluís Llenas

The FFF and SLA parts are a good choice to get a physical impression of the designs and to assemble rough prototypes. But when it comes to producing reliable prototypes to be verified in our fatigue tests or to send functional samples to our customers for validation, SLS is the only acceptable choice.

Walter Pucheanu
R&D Technician
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBI) / University of Erlangen–Nuremberg

The print quality of the Lisa PRO is impressive.

Sean Higgins
Nabson Inc.

In order to keep up with our production demand, we have been operating the Lisa PRO almost 7 days a week for the past couple of months, without incident, and produced over 1500 sleeves.

Wir stärken Innovation mit neuen Möglichkeiten auf Basis von SLS, nämlich der leistungsstärksten additiven Fertigungstechnologie.

Das Ziel von Sinterit ist es, die Kreativität von Ingenieuren, Forschern, Entwicklern, Akademikern und Visionären auf eine Art zu unterstützen, wo immer sie benötigt wird.

Finden Sie Ihren lokalen Vertriebshändler

Die Sinterit-Drucker sind dank unseres Vertriebsnetzes weltweit erhältlich. Wählen Sie den nächstgelegenen Vertriebshändler aus und machen Sie sich persönlich ein Bild von den Sinterit-Druckern vor Ort.


Get a free
sample box



Below there are approximate costs for some example models.
Be aware that the quotation assumes that there is only one piece printed. In SLS technology, the cost per part will be much lower with a higher number of elements printed at once.
  • Flexible
  • Standard
Model volume:
Model volume:
Total print height:
6.82 cm
65 x 65 x 63 mm
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
Model volume:
28.12 cm^3
Total print height:
6.82 cm
65 x 65 x 63 mm
49,90 €
49,90 €
49,90 €
49,90 €
49,90 €
49,90 €
Model volume:
28.12 cm^3
Total print height:
6.82 cm
65 x 65 x 63 mm
71,80 €
71,80 €
71,80 €
71,80 €
71,80 €
71,80 €
Driller housing
Model volume:
28.12 cm^3
Total print height:
6.82 cm
65 x 65 x 63 mm
157 €
157 €
157 €
157 €
157 €
157 €
Model volume:
28.12 cm^3
Model volume:
28.12 cm^3
Model volume:
28.12 cm^3
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
Model volume:
28.12 cm^3
Model volume:
28.12 cm^3
Model volume:
28.12 cm^3
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
Model volume:
28.12 cm^3
Model volume:
28.12 cm^3
Model volume:
28.12 cm^3
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
Model volume:
28.12 cm^3
Model volume:
28.12 cm^3
Model volume:
28.12 cm^3
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
Model volume:
28.12 cm^3
Model volume:
28.12 cm^3
Model volume:
28.12 cm^3
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
Model volume:
28.12 cm^3
Model volume:
28.12 cm^3
Model volume:
28.12 cm^3
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €
51,30 €

Get a free sample box

Universal joint + turbine
The free samplebox contains two printouts made from PA12 Smooth. They are both movable designs, and each one is printed in one piece.

These are examples showing high precision and freedom of design ensured by SLS technology.
order free sample box
Mamy też advanced samples orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur
ridiculus mus. Aliquam id placerat nunc. Integer viverra, arcu vel feugiat viverra, dui purus sodales libero.
This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from https://www.maxmind.com.